State has gradually tightened the implementation of compulsory insurance participation
by enterprises for employees. Before coming to Hung Thinh, many customers had their insurance payments collected and were fined
hundreds of millions of dong for violations. In addition, businesses are also asked by interdisciplinary inspection teams to explain and
supplement documents like this and that, which is very troublesome.
So, what is it like to participate in insurance for workers? What types of insurance does compulsory insurance include? Are insurance
and taxes related? How can businesses participate in insurance that is both legal and less expensive?
According to Hung Thinh’s experience, for businesses that only have to
employ less than 200 employees, cooperating with a professional and reliable service unit is both the most effective and safest.
Hung Thinh Company has all the resources and reputation to fully meet the requirements of customers
not only in the field of compulsory insurance, but also help customers relieve stress in the fields of
Taxation. , labor, other state laws.
Within the scope of this service, Hung Thinh only addresses mandatory insurance
issues related to employers and employees working in the enterprise.
When it comes to social insurance services, it includes 3 types of compulsory insurance today:
Social insurance (SI), health insurance (HI) and unemployment insurance (UI).