State has gradually tightened the implementation of compulsory insurance participation
by enterprises for employees. Before coming to Hung Thinh, many customers had their insurance payments collected and were fined
hundreds of millions of dong for violations. In addition, businesses are also asked by interdisciplinary inspection teams to explain and
supplement documents like this and that, which is very troublesome.

So, what is it like to participate in insurance for workers? What types of insurance does compulsory insurance include? Are insurance
and taxes related? How can businesses participate in insurance that is both legal and less expensive?
According to Hung Thinh’s experience, for businesses that only have to
employ less than 200 employees, cooperating with a professional and reliable service unit is both the most effective and safest.

Hung Thinh Company has all the resources and reputation to fully meet the requirements of customers
not only in the field of compulsory insurance, but also help customers relieve stress in the fields of
Taxation. , labor, other state laws.

Within the scope of this service, Hung Thinh only addresses mandatory insurance
issues related to employers and employees working in the enterprise.

When it comes to social insurance services, it includes 3 types of compulsory insurance today:
Social insurance (SI), health insurance (HI) and unemployment insurance (UI).

Contact us now


Immediately after the contract is signed between Hung Thinh and the business, Hung Thinh will assign an employee to take over,
combined with other departments in Hung Thinh company to do the following jobs:

Consulting and registering to participate in social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance

Arrange an appointment to meet directly with the business representative to discuss,
receive relevant documents or receive the old person’s job back;

Based on the situation of the business, Hung Thinh will advise the business on
what is the most beneficial and legal way to participate in compulsory insurance;

Check, guide and work with businesses to gather relevant records and documents to proceed
with further procedures;

Prepare and send procedures to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs,
including: Official letter of request from the enterprise; Building a salary scale system – payroll, salary allowances of the enterprise; Develop labor regulations (from 10 or more) of the enterprise;
Certificate of grassroots trade union,…

Prepare and send procedures to the Social Insurance Department, including: Declaration of participating units,
adjustment of social insurance and health insurance information;

List of workers participating in social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, labor accident and
occupational disease insurance; Information list;…

Monitor and receive results, including: Receive social insurance cards and health insurance cards and hand them
over to the business for storage or issue to employees

Follow up regularly

Calculate and notify the business of the insurance amount that the business is responsible for paying during the period;

Directly work and explain to relevant department officials when there are labor and insurance checks and inspections;

Prepare documents and reports on labor reduction during the month (if any employee quits their job)
including: application, closing of social insurance, health insurance,…

Prepare documents and report on labor increase during the month (if any employee quits their job)
including: application, registration procedures, transfer of books (cards),…

Resolve, support or guide employees in exercising their benefits under the compulsory insurance regime such as:
Sickness, maternity, unemployment,…;

Make changes and adjustments to all relevant documents and papers when there are changes in government regulations;

Consulting helps businesses handle negative situations that may occur between businesses and employees or
between businesses and functional management agencies.

Perform year-end reconciliation and reporting

Prepare and send a report on labor changes during the year of the enterprise to the department or
Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs;

Compare salary data for social insurance participation with tax declaration salary;

Report on occupational safety and hygiene

Carry out all procedures required by state agencies regarding the enterprise’s labor.

Complicated procedures for social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance… have caused difficulties for many businesses.


In general, the documents needed to prepare for social insurance are not too complicated, but the implementation process causes
many difficulties for businesses. First, you need to determine which of the following two cases your business belongs to:

Case 1 – Newly established enterprise

Step 1: Submit documents to the insurance agency to get the unit code, documents include:

Notarized copy of business license;

Declaration of units participating in social insurance TK3 – TS.

Step 2: Complete procedures for reporting labor increase/reduction

Labor contract and employee salary schedule

Employee information reported increase/decrease

Declaration of participation and adjustment of social insurance information TK1 – TS

Case 2 – The enterprise is already operating and has a unit code:

Just need to complete the procedure for reporting labor increase/reduction

Depending on each social insurance agency, the time to review documents is about 5 – 15 days. Therefore, using the social insurance registration service at Hung Thinh, you will save maximum time preparing and traveling to submit the application.