

  • Advise on the appropriate use of input and output invoices.
  • Receive invoices and accounting documents from door to door.
  • Classify, check the validity of original documents, balance input and output VAT.
  • Prepare tax returns, declare personal income tax, report on invoice usage, and temporarily calculate corporate income tax.
  • Complete documents and prepare accounting books
  • Prepare accounting documents: Import, export, revenue, expenditure
  • Prepare detailed books to calculate product costs, inventory books, receivables and payables
  • Prepare forms for allocation, depreciation… according to regulations
  • Prepare ledger accounts
  • Create a general journal
  • Prepare corporate income tax and personal income tax finalization.
  • Prepare year-end financial reports
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Explanation of tax finalization is the final step of accounting and tax work. This is the deciding step on whether businesses have to spend more or less money when there is a tax inspection or audit.

With the depth of its human resources team, Hung Thinh can arrange people suitable for every situation to solve difficulties that customers encounter through tax settlement inspection and explanation services. Hung Thinh is very confident. Proud to have brought our customers complete satisfaction and placed absolute trust in the cooperative relationship between both parties.



  • This service is applied by Hung Thinh in cases where businesses already have accountants, accounting books have been printed, taxes have been declared and settled but do not really feel secure when there is an inspection by the agency. tax office;
  • According to this service, depending on the volume of documents as well as the customer’s conditions, Hung Thinh will send a person or group of people to the Enterprise to receive documents and bring them to Hung Thinh for inspection.
  • At the end of the inspection, Hung Thinh will have a summary table sent to the Enterprise. In the summary, it states what has been done, what needs to be corrected, what needs to be redone,…
  • In particular, Hung Thinh advises customers on how to handle and overcome problems that tax officials inspect or focus on to make things difficult for businesses;
  • When there is an inspection notice from the Tax agency, customers notify Hung Thinh and Hung Thinh will appoint a suitable person to directly explain to the Tax officials;
  • Hung Thinh service fees are received in installments according to the contract.



Review documents and tax declarations:

  • Review documents related to the legal entity of the Enterprise such as:
    Business investment registration procedures, documents that need to be registered
    with other State authorities;
  • Review registration procedures with the Tax authority such as: Registering tax declaration and finalization periods –
    Registering tax deduction declaration methods – Registering bank accounts
    – Registering accounting methods – Registering Use of application –
    Decision to appoint director; chief accountant,…;
  • Review the declaration and finalization of taxes related to the
    Enterprise such as: License fees – Value added tax – Corporate income tax – Personal income tax –
    Special consumption tax – Resource tax – Environmental protection tax – Contractor tax –
    Capital investment tax,
    capital transfer -…;
  • Check invoice usage status reports and statistical reports according to prescribed periods;
  • Check whether the included costs are subject to tax settlement such as: Salary costs, asset depreciation costs, tool distribution and other management costs;
  • Check the norms, calculate product costs, calculate cost of goods sold in accordance with the current invoices and documents of the Enterprise;
  • Check debts, import and export of goods, materials, and finished products to see if they are unreasonable;
  • Check whether the accounting method is in accordance with the current accounting regime;
  • Check the entire system of printed and computerized accounting books for completeness and accuracy;
  • Compare the data on the accounting books and the types of settlement reports sent to see if they match or not.



Errors that often occur but can be fixed are:

  • Adjusting the economic contract does not match the purchase invoice and the amount paid for invoices over 20 million VND;
  • Re-establish payroll with incorrect payments;
  • Re-do import – export of goods that do not match the invoice – calculate the cost of goods sold incorrectly;
  • Rebuild product costing norms that do not match existing valid invoices;
  • Adjust and resubmit incorrect finalization reports with high risks,…



Upon receiving a notice requesting data or receiving a tax inspection decision, Hung Thinh will carry out:

  • Send someone directly to approach and explain to tax officials;
  • Draft and send all types of documents, records, and papers to the Tax authority if you feel any dissatisfaction during the tax inspection process;
  • Read and guide customers to sign the tax inspection record;
  • Receive a handling decision at the end of a tax inspection or audit.


Currently, there are quite a few small and medium-sized enterprises that do not have an accounting system in accordance with the State’s regulations. The reason is that accountants do not have a professional conscience or do not have the ability or conditions to complete the job. When there is a request for a tax inspection, do it hastily or “run away”. If the business does not fix it promptly, it may be subject to arrears, fines or tax assessments when inspected by the Tax authority, which is very large.

Correcting errors and legalizing accounting records is an extremely difficult and complicated job. However, thanks to its abundant, experienced staff and good working conditions, Hung Thinh is always ready to respond promptly and resolve consequences for customers in the most effective and least costly way. worst.



This service, Hung Thinh, applies to cases where businesses have not yet prepared accounting books because: The accountant stopped working mid-way or did not know how to do it – or they have declared taxes and sent tax finalization and annual financial reports to the tax authority but no accounting books – or accounting books that are inconsistent with regulations, do not match the types of reports;…

  • According to this service, Hung Thinh will send someone to the business to receive all documents, invoices and vouchers and bring them to Hung Thinh’s office to check, compare, enter data into software on the computer, and print out a set of documents. accounting books, arrange and save them into a set of accounting documents as if they were new, then hand over all of them to the customer for storage;
  • During the process, Hung Thinh can re-validate some documents for customers in accordance with tax policies if there are errors; At the same time, calculate and rebalance taxes to be most beneficial to customers;
  • Hung Thinh will adjust and resend incorrect financial reports and tax settlements to relevant agencies. They will advise customers on how to resolve issues when tax officials come to inspect or are subject to a tax inspection;
  • Hung Thinh will be responsible and explain all things related to accounting and tax data that Hung Thinh does with state agencies if requested;
  • Hung Thinh service fees are received in installments according to the contract.



Review legal documents and tax declaration:

  • Review documents related to the legal entity of the Enterprise such as: Business investment registration procedures, documents that need to be registered with other State authorities;
  • Check the registration procedures with the Tax authority such as: Registering tax declaration and finalization periods – Registering tax deduction declaration methods – Registering bank accounts – Registering accounting methods – Registering Use of application –Decision to appoint director; chief accountant,…;
  • Review the declaration and finalization of taxes related to the Enterprise such as: License fees – Value added tax – Corporate income tax – Personal income tax – Special consumption tax – Resource tax – Environmental protection tax – Contractor tax – Capital investment tax, capital transfer -…;
  • Check invoice usage status reports and statistical reports according to prescribed periods;
  • Check payroll and labor contracts;.
  • Check the validity, legality, and reasonableness of purchase invoices, sales invoices, economic contracts, payment documents, etc.



Review legal documents and tax declaration:

  • Input all invoices and documents into Hung Thinh’s accounting software;
  • Print additional receipts, payment slips, import slips, export slips… according to the original documents of the business side;
  • Revise norms, calculate product costs, calculate cost of goods sold in accordance with the current invoices and documents of the business;
  • Edit payroll, allocation table, asset depreciation table according to prescribed regime;
  • Detailed accounting of receivables and payables; Compare bank accounts; track details of import and export of supplies, goods, finished products…;
  • Accounting for revenue – costs, balancing profit and loss, calculating taxes according to current Tax law;
  • Classify, arrange and bind files and documents for storage;
  • Print all types of accounting books according to current Vietnamese Accounting Law;
  • Create new or adjust submitted reports if there are errors.



  • Consulting and working with Party A to overcome previous errors to achieve the most optimal results;
  • Appoint someone to directly explain to tax officials when there is a tax inspection or audit;
  • Draft and send all types of documents, records and papers to the Tax authority when necessary;
  • Read and guide customers to sign the Tax inspection record;
  • Receive a tax audit or inspection decision.



  • Review and summarize all accounting data for the year, compare taxes payable before
    making the annual report;
  • Prepare and send final settlement: Corporate income tax –
    Personal income tax (the part the business pays income);
  • Prepare and send annual financial reports to the authorities: Asset summary table;
    report business results; Notes to the financial statements;
    statements of cash flows;
  • Prepare and send all types of statistical reports according to law;
  • Register all types of documents for the new year if: Have re-registered the tax declaration period –
    Have re-registered the value-added tax deduction method; There are changes in license fees –
    There are changes in
  • accounting methods…


Internal accounting is an indispensable position in any enterprise, whether that enterprise is small or large. Without an accountant to prepare documents and record actual events that occur every day, it is difficult for businesses to determine profit and loss accurately. In addition, thanks to tracking accounting, businesses will know for sure how their assets fluctuate, whether they are lost or not, especially for debt purchases, import and export of materials and goods,…

However, for many different reasons, many businesses are having difficulty recruiting accountants to work at their units. Furthermore, for small and medium-sized enterprises, with little daily operations, recruiting a full-time employee at the office will cost a lot of costs such as: Salary and bonus costs, equipment costs, premises costs, insurance costs, management costs, replacement costs, etc.

Therefore, Hung Thinh company decided to add a new service, which is to provide INTERNAL ACCOUNTING services for customers in need. To save more on service fees, depending on the scale of operations and business necessity, we will advise customers on how to use the service most effectively.



If you use the INTERNAL ACCOUNTING service of our company Hung Thinh, customers will enjoy many of the following benefits:

  • Work is guaranteed to be safe regularly and continuously, without fear of interruption due to employees leaving (Hung Thinh always has human resources to compensate and replace);
  • Does not waste time and money on recruitment;
  • No investment in machinery, equipment, tools and working seats for employees (if working at Hung Thinh)
  • No need to spend on office management costs such as electricity, water, stationery…..(if working in Hung Thinh)
  • No headaches over salary and bonus requirements and fluctuations;
  • No need to deal with mandatory insurance costs or union troubles;
  • Very beneficial in terms of taxes due to the combination of internal accounting and tax accounting in Hung Thinh;
  • In particular, Hung Thinh company always has a preferential policy on reasonable service fees, much lower than the salary paid to workers (employees).



Internal accounting undertaken by Hung Thinh will include building, issuing, checking, and controlling the validity and legality of internal documents; Recording in internal accounting books; Store records and report to leadership according to Enterprise standards, specifically the following tasks:

  • Receipt and expenditure accounting: Prepare receipts and expenditures, fully, accurately and promptly update the cash book; – Bank accounting: Open an account at the bank, prepare payment orders, withdraw checks, pay money into the account, record the deposit account, compare with the bank subsidiary book;
  • Warehouse accounting: Prepare import and export bills, record import – export – inventory records for each type of goods and product code;
  • Salary accounting: Drafting and managing labor contracts, developing salary regulations, timekeeping, calculating salaries and paying salaries to employees in the Enterprise;
  • Debt accounting: Record and monitor purchases, sales and payments, the amount owed to each customer;
  • Sales accounting: Write (export) financial invoices, draft economic contracts, quote prices, track orders, record in revenue books;
  • Cost accounting: Collect, classify and record according to each type of cost;
  • Summary, reports, statistics: Weekly, monthly, quarterly or irregularly prepare all kinds of reports and statistics at the request of the Enterprise leadership.



  • Job requirements: This method applies to businesses that issue many invoices and make timely orders for customers; Monitor detailed debts that need to be reported urgently, monitor inventory imports and exports daily and accurately;
  • Human resources: Hung Thinh will send a stable accountant to the business’s office to perform tasks such as contracts;
  • Working hours: Every month customers can choose from 02 sessions to 20 sessions. One 4-hour working session from Monday to Saturday of the week (there will be specific agreements in the contract);
  • Working conditions: Customers must provide adequate equipment for work, have a working position and create favorable conditions for employees;
  • Document preservation: All records, documents, and internal documents are kept at the enterprise;
  • Employee wages: Hung Thinh pays according to Hung Thinh’s regulations;
  • Service fee: Hung Thinh calculates per working session, customers pay from the 1st to 10th of every month.



  • Job requirements: This method applies to very small businesses that do not need an office; need to issue invoices; simple debt, no daily and accurate inventory import and export tracking;
  • Human resources: Hung Thinh will assign an accountant or combined tax accountant to always perform internal accounting work for the business, working at the Hung Thinh office;
  • Working hours: During Hung Thinh’s working hours;
  • Working conditions: Customers can come to Hung Thinh office to work together or request employees to perform additional work via email;
  • Document preservation: All records, documents, and internal documents during the month are preserved at Hung Thinh. Next month, they are bound and handed over to the business for storage;
  • Employee wages: Hung Thinh pays according to Hung Thinh’s regulations;
  • Service fee: Hung Thinh depends on the amount of work generated, customers pay from the 1st to the 10th of every month.


  • Currently, in the context of tax laws constantly changing to meet the needs of economic development. The lack of updating tax policies and misunderstanding the nature of taxes leads to violations of legal regulations and many consequences such as tax law violations and tax arrears. If serious, criminal prosecution may result.
  • Tax consulting is consulting on the flexible application of tax policies, ensuring full compliance with tax laws, optimizing the amount of tax payable, minimizing tax risks in business at reasonable costs. Reasonable advice based on understanding of tax regulations and policies.

Therefore, Hung Thinh tax consulting service specializes in providing reputable – economical and effective tax consulting solutions, providing consulting packages as follows:

  • VAT consulting services.
  • Corporate income tax consulting service.
  • Personal income tax consulting service.
  • Contractor tax consulting service.
  • Social insurance and salary consulting services.
  • Tax planning – appropriate operational budgeting.
  • Consulting on reviewing financial statements,
  • Tax consulting services for foreign investments.
  • Build a tax control process to minimize future tax risks.
  • Analyze business activities – prioritize risks, complete tax records.