

Financial statement audit is a useful tool to resolve the complexity of different regulations on financial accounting standards, taxes, and financial statement presentation standards, helping businesses predict potential risks. may have to face.

Hung Thinh is committed to providing a deep understanding of business operations and corporate issues in the current legal environment, considering the risks that businesses face as well as weaknesses in the control system. of business.

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Let Hung Thinh Accounting answer your questions
about auditing – financial reporting

1. What is independent audit?

Independent audit is the inspection and confirmation by auditors and auditing firms of the truthfulness and reasonableness of documents, accounting data and financial reports of businesses (auditing units). ) when requested by these units.

2. Role of independent audit?

Independent audit is an indispensable activity in the market economy with the role of bringing reliability to financial information through audited financial reports, thereby creating a basis for party conducting economic transactions.

3. Operating principles of independent audit?

– Comply with Vietnamese laws and auditing standards.

– Be responsible before the law for professional activities and audit results.

– Comply with auditing professional ethics.

– Ensuring independence in terms of expertise, operations, benefits, and honesty, legality, and objectivity of independent audit activities.

– Keep information of the audited unit confidential, unless the audited unit agrees or the law provides otherwise.

4. Mandatory audit?

The annual financial statements of the following businesses must be audited:

– Enterprises with foreign investment capital.

– Organizations with credit, banking and development support funds.

– Financial institutions and insurance businesses.

– Particularly for joint stock companies and limited liability companies that participate in listing and doing business on the stock market, audits shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of law on securities business; If you borrow capital from a bank, perform an audit according to the provisions of the law on credit.

5. Auditing financial statements?

In a market economy, auditing has become an indispensable need for improving business performance and management quality of enterprises. Along with the development of the market economy, Auditing becomes an indispensable activity for financial information of enterprises.

A financial statement audit is a document prepared and published by an auditor to clearly state his or her official opinion on the financial statements of an audited entity.

Auditing financial statements helps users evaluate the reliability of quantitative information in financial statements on that basis to make correct and effective economic decisions in economic relationships. with organizations or businesses that have financial reports.

Special: Hung Thinh’s fast Financial Report Auditing Service on Capital Confirmation at a reasonable price

Auditing financial statements for tax purposes and tax finalization services

Carry out audits and give opinions on financial statements based on tax regulations to help businesses
reflect honestly and reasonably the key aspects of the enterprise’s financial situation, as well as other
income and expenses, in accordance with the applicable regulations as a basis for settlement
service tax purposes.

This financial statement is audited as a basis for tax finalization and determination of tax obligations.

Synchronous and consistent

Brand value is born from the first contact between uniformly and consistently designed items, creating unique points that help customers easily distinguish your business brand from other brands.